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Grants and Awards
Welcome to the IMF
The IMF has received several major instrumentation awards.
Quanta 200 ESEM
Environmental Scanning Electron Microscope
The environmental scanning electron microscope has a tungsten filament and an EDAX Genesis energy-dispersive X-ray spectrometer 30mm2 detector with 132 eV resolution.
Gemini 500 SEM
Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope
With the Gemini SEM 500, you can achieve high resolution at low voltages, easily producing sub-nanometer resolved images with high contrast at low-beam voltages. 
XRD Goniometer
Powder X-Ray Diffractometer
The IMF has a PANalytical X'Pert PRO Theta/Theta Powder X-ray Diffraction system with X'Celerator detector and 15-position sample changer for high-speed, high-resolution phase analysis.
Transmission Electron Microscope
Life Science TEM on Talos platform, marketed as suitable for nanotechnology research. Large polepeice gap enables cryomicroscopy and tomography at high tilt but with some reduction in resolution....

Welcome To The IMF

Welcome to the Imaging and Microscopy Facility (IMF) at UC Merced. The IMF suite hosts optical, scanning and transmission electron microscopes, in addition to equipment for preparing specimens for examination. We serve campus researchers in the physical sciences, biological sciences and engineering, and have a particular focus on nanotechnology. This facility offers students and researchers a range of materials characterization techniques, including advanced imaging, elemental analysis and structure determination.

Mission Statement

The Image and Microscopy Facility is a laboratory that provides essential resources around the clock for faculty members, students and researchers in the area of light and electron microscopy. This laboratory provides an infrastructure that can serve campus researchers in the physical sciences, biological sciences and engineering, with a particular focus on nanotechnology. Our objective is to provide high-end, state-of-the-art instrumentation to campus members at a modest cost.

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