PANalytical X'Pert PRO Theta/Theta Powder X-ray Diffraction System
The PANalytical X'Pert PRO Theta/Theta Powder X-ray Diffraction system with revolutionary X'Celerator detector and 15-position sample changer for high-speed, high-resolution phase analysis features XML-based software for data collection and evaluation, and an Anton Parr TTK 450C temperature chamber.
Other features include:
- a high-stability, solid-state 3 kW X-ray generator with maximum settings of 60kV and 60mA;
- Cu and Co tubes;
- high-performance theta/theta goniometer with accuracy +/- 0.0025 degrees;
- reproducibility of +/- 0.0001 degrees;
- scan speed of 0.001 to 1.27 degrees per second;
- minimum step size of 0.001 degree;
- two-theta measuring range of 0 to 167 degrees; and goniometer radius variable from 130 to 230 mm; and
- X'Pert HighScore data analysis software.
Training is available for students, staff and faculty members.
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